Building our Community

$170 Million High School Reconstruction

Expanding safety knowledge in North Carolina

Teammates in the southeast recently gathered for learning, growing and networking at the Carolina Star Safety Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina. Throughout the three day conference, attendees heard from inspiring speakers, participated in workshops and networked with fellow occupational safety and health professionals. Balfour Beatty and Total Power Group were proud to be Platinum-level sponsors for this year's event!

Supporting Wishes One Swing at a Time

We want to give a huge thank you to all the fantastic trade partners, vendors, and volunteers who contributed to our Eighth Annual Charity Golf Tournament supporting Make-A-Wish Georgia. It was a beautiful day for a great cause, and we couldn't have done it without all of your incredible support. With your generosity, we proudly presented Make-A-Wish Georgia with a donation check of $117,000. Thank you all for making it yet another successful and memorable tournament while helping grant wishes, so needed, for these deserving children and their families.



Project Spotlight

Caltrain recently launched its new electrified schedule, marking the final milestone of a project that our team began more than eight years ago. This major achievement in sustainable transportation involved transitioning diesel trains and their infrastructure components to an electrified system.